
Many aromatic botanicals can be vaporized for aromatherapy with positive results. By heating your favorite herbs and flowers to precise temperatures, the pleasing aromas, terpenes, and botanical compounds are released to promote/enhance energetic or relaxing environments.
Our unique, original glass pod systems utilize the thermal qualities of pure food-grade ceramics and borosilicate glass to produce and deliver unmatched performance. Vaporize natural compounds directly from your legal organic botanicals to enjoy the flavours & aromas and maximize potency with no additives and no messy liquids. Just put a small amount of your botanicals in a removable glass attachment and enjoy!

Herbal Vaporization
The information contained on this web page is an aid in understanding the various theories and practices, preparation and uses, and does not represent an endorsement or guarantee the efficacy or use of its preparation. This information is not intended in any way to replace or supersede professional consultations, and . is for instructional / and cautionary purposes only. In no way is the information contained herein intended to be a medical or prescriptive guide or to be used for diagnosing or treating a health problem, condition or disease. It is the users responsibility to consult a Physician or Medical Professional.
IMPORTANT – Obey local laws. Not all botanicals and herbs are legal for use in every Country or State. Check your Local, State, Federal and Importation laws before ordering botanicals. Arizer Products are for legal use only.